Intuitive Channeling & Energy Healing

$200 - Video conference or in-person (local to the Boulder/Denver area)

In this session, you will receive guidance and answers to questions as I channel your higher self and/or spirit guide team. There is nothing quite like receiving direct, personalized wisdom with messages tailored to your current journey.

By connecting with your higher self, you will receive profound clarity and higher perspectives on various aspects of your life, from relationships and career to personal growth. The wisdom received transcends the mind’s limitations, offering a deeper understanding of your path while inviting you to trust in the guidance that resides within you.

We will start the session by discussing your intention and what it is you want to know. I will then perform an induction meditation to move us into the heart center. From there, I will channel your higher self and guides as you ask questions. Often, healing and an energetic “tune up” will come through, leaving you feeling refreshed and expanded.

Sample intentions:

  • What does my higher self want me to know for my highest good at this time?

  • What blocks do I have to realizing greater abundance?

  • Why do my relationships keep failing?

  • What is my purpose and how I can I manifest more intentional purpose in my life?

  • What is holding me back from being my happiest self?

  • What is causing my chronic illness? And what can I do to support myself?

  • An intention gathered at the time of booking the reading.

    Email access

    PDF reader

  • A multi-page document including wisdom and guidance from your higher self

  • Any reading should not be used as a substitute for advice, programs, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional, such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial advisor.

    This reading is just one interpretation of the higher self’s wisdom and another practitioner's interpretation of any particular message might differ. It is up to the client to determine what resonates and to leave what doesn’t.

    As an intuitive and channel, Kristin’s ethos is to offer readings, insights, suggestions and advice in good faith and with an attempt to do no harm. Above all, Kristin empowers her clients to use their own heart-centered intuition to make their own decisions and each client is ultimately responsible for their own choices.

  • If you are interested in booking this reading, please click the button below and schedule an appointment. The appointment is simply a placeholder and there will be no need to attend a session. Payment is due at the time of booking. You will also need to provide your intention at the time of booking.

    You will receive your reading within 10 days of scheduling the “appointment.”