Channeled Message: Mercury’s Place in your Chart and Life

Mercury moves so fast, it’s actually difficult to pin him down. But in this channelled message, Mercury discusses what he represents in your chart and in your life. Of course, the following descriptions are not the totality of what Mercury could represent in a birth chart—use your own powers of intuition, observation and correlation to ascertain the nuances of Mercury and how he manifests through you and in your life.

Hi Mercury. Are you available to discuss what you represent in astrological birth charts today?

Yes! I am very excited.

I’d like to start by asking for your general meaning and significations.

Absolutely. My core essence relates to the mind, mental work and communication—but more like chatter or small talk than thoughtful deep communication, if that makes sense. I represent the processing of information, mental acuity and aptitude. I also represent social connections, the day-to-day back and forth interactions between you and others, and the exchanging of information. I provide a connection point between you and others in your everyday life. I love quick wit and an enthusiasm for learning. I am constantly on the move, bouncing around thoughts and coming up with new ideas. I like a good puzzle and want to understand how things work, but I don’t like to linger too long on any one thing. [Visually, I am seeing him in a sweatband, jumping up and down, as if warming up for a game of tennis. He’s very busy.] I have places to go and people to see and conversations to initiate.

In Hellenistic Astrology, one key word they use to describe you is “messenger.” Does this feel accurate? How might you elaborate on that concept, if so?

That is very much accurate. “Messenger” implies communication and also the sharing of information. The sign where you find Mercury will indicate what kind of messages you are here to share, what messages you may seek out, and how you might deliver those messages.

What is a common misconception about you, Mercury?

Let’s talk about this trickster energy. While I do enjoy a good joke, and especially good word play, I am not out to harm anyone. Sometimes we learn the best when the stakes seem high, even if they are indeed, false stakes. And a prank or joke or trick, can resemble false stakes.

Will you please describe how you show up when in retrograde?

You all make a lot of my retrograde period. And yes, it has its influence, but of course, you know the backwards movement is an illusion. Use this time to slow down and reflect. Because I am in such a state of movement, it’s important to take these moments to check for errors and to ensure you’re on the path you want to be on. No one is out to get you though—these times are a gift. Just as my retrograde is an illusion, so is the slowing of progress. Even though you’re taking time to smell the roses and contemplate your words and choices, you are still being very productive. There is a need for balance here. Isn’t it amazing how the universe has built in moments for down time and reflection?

Can you talk about your relationship to the sun?

Sure. The sun is my beacon. I can never stray too far from his agenda, and truly, I am here to support his mission. This relationship is strengthened when either I rule the sun or the sun rules me—“Aye, aye, Captain” [Salute]—and can become more complicated when other planets rule me. When I meet him in the sky [conjunction], which is fairly common, I will transmit his most pertinent message to you, so keep an ear out for that.

I asked ChatGPT to generate a picture of Mercury sharing the sun's message and this is what it made. Funny.

Ok, let’s get into how you show up when you’re in your domicile signs: Gemini and Virgo. And let’s also share information on your exaltation in Virgo.

Okay, in Gemini we’re covering the communication ground mentioned above. I LOVE being in Gemini because he allows me to be fast and for my mind to move like rapid fire…pew, pew, pew. It’s all about the information I can ascertain from others or about others or to affect others or to connect with others or connect them together. Communication + people = yes! It’s that lively chatter and the freedom to be me without constraints. I can topic hop, like a bee flits from flower to flower, gathering the pollen (information) and spreading it around. It can result in some hive mind think, sometimes, but I don’t care…that’s neither here nor there to me. Some other planets might have something to say about that, but I just love the flit-flit-share. And, so I do it. So sue me.

In Virgo, now, I’m a little more thoughtful. I care less about the social connection of information sharing, and I care more about the accuracy, verity, possibly even the scientific validity of what I gather. This information should be helpful and it should be accurate to the best of my knowledge. Here, I gather information more for data collection and pattern recognition or categorization, and less for sharing—though, I will correct your mistake (out of service). I like neat and tidy buckets for all of my information, even if just in my mind. I am very smart and can often figure things out on my own, based on my powers of deduction, observation and pattern recognition. I am a scientist of some sort, gathering my data and, if you ask, I might just tell you what I know.

As for the exaltation in Virgo, I actually don’t make too much of that. Maybe because it’s not in Virgo’s nature to be braggadocious. The truth is that I’m just super smart. And it feels good to be smart and self-reliant when it comes to the receiving and making sense of information. I often become an expert in my field and others seek my knowledge. Sometimes people can put me on a pedestal for my intelligence, but remember, even I can confuse opinion with fact from time to time. The exaltation comes from the tendency for me to be seen as an expert.

And how do you show up in the signs opposite your domiciles and exaltation: Sagittarius and Pisces?

Good question. I don’t. Just kidding…I’m there, I’m there. But it is harder to move as fast as I’d like. This is not to say those with Mercury in Sagittarius and Pisces are not smart; they are often very smart. And of course, the location and condition of their Jupiter will affect how I show up for these natives, as they are both Jupiter-ruled signs. Let’s take them one at a time:

Mercury in Sagittarius is loud and talkative. Sagittarius is a Jupiter-ruled sign, so let’s take it at face value: we’re talking about an abundance of talking here…and sometimes talking just to talk. These are highly philosophical, verbal processors who love to theorize and express their wisdom. They can be great at learning foreign languages or connecting with those from foreign lands. They think big, dream big and care more about the overarching concept than the details of a plan. These are great motivational speakers, especially when there’s life experience or some level of practicality to back up their claims. I would like Jupiter to realize I’m just too busy for their grand life adventure and sometimes, stuff has just got to get done and make sense. I like structure and I like productivity, and Jupiter’s endless positivity makes me tired.

Mercury in Pisces definitely gets lost in the imagination of the native. We’re not just dreaming big, we’re dreaming in technicolor iridescence and who knows who’s going to get what we’re saying. There’s not usually a whole lot of cohesion or emphasis on accuracy here. Things are said more for effect. There is a very watery quality to the speech—it’s almost as if their words or thoughts just run together. Flowing out of nowhere and perhaps to no real purpose. Just beautiful words for the sake of beautiful words. Let’s not take the person with Mercury in Pisces too literally—they said they were going to be there at 5 PM, but what they really meant was, “I might come.” Their intention is there but they’re just going with the flow at the end of the day. And for me, Mercury, who likes to get things done and move things along, we feel a little under water in Pisces.

With Pisces being opposite of Virgo where I am exalted, I am additionally in my fall in Pisces. This might mean that my expertise is not respected as much as, say, a person with Mercury in Virgo. I might not seem to prioritize information based on fact, and prefer to be lead by my impressions and gut feelings. That doesn’t make me wrong—I am highly, highly intuitive here and simply use an alternative route to ascertain my truth.

What about your meaning in the other signs? Can you tell me more about that?

Sure, I will go sign by sign. As a quick reminder, though, my meaning will be slightly altered based on the house in which I reside and the placement of my sign’s ruler. For example, if I am in the 11th house, I may reflect how the native shows up in groups and/or social situations, or even how I perceive others in social groups. And if I am in Aries, Mars (Arie’s ruler) will tell me to show up differently based on if Mars is in Taurus or Pisces. That said, let’s jump in:

Mercury in Aries

Here, I am swift and initiatory, perhaps talking fast, and I find it easy to strike up a conversation with almost anyone. I like to control the conversation because others’ slow-paced or self-conscious communication style can rub me the wrong way. “Here…just let me do it,” might be a common thought in my head. I can also be impulsive and argumentative, needing to assert my opinion before it’s been asked for and some may say I talk too much about myself. I may also maintain my childhood enthusiasm, express myself in childlike ways, and enjoy being with children because they get my playful spirit. Sparring, fencing, analyzing sports plays and memorizing stats could be enjoyable pastimes. I may also be competitive with my voice, participating in some sort of debate team, glee club or litigation work. On the shadow side, I may feel the need to know the most, be right at all costs, and have the last word. If I am squaring or opposing Saturn, I may appear more shy, turning that critical voice inward; if I am sextiling or trining Saturn, I will often be more contentious and show tact.

Mercury in Taurus

I am at the whims of Venus in this sign, and my mission is pleasure and enjoyment. I may not get into the nitty gritty details, like I would in other Mercury-ruled signs—my focus is more experiential and some may say, simple. I love getting my hands dirty and appreciate labor. I am a big fan of acquiring information on all things nature. What is that bird species? I got you! In general, birding, gardening, and just generally vibing with the natural world is totally my cup of tea. I am also into animals and pets and I might even be an animal communicator. Using my voice and my mind to create beauty is of top priority—I have natural artistic flare and singing ability, even if I don’t use it too often. I love to communicate my appreciation, love and connection to others.

Mercury in Cancer

When I am in Cancer, I feel a responsibility to the people around me, nurturing their comfort or general well being. My emotional and people-centered intelligence is very high. I can communicate in ways that put you at ease and I really enjoy building deeper connections with those in my sphere. What I really like about being in Cancer is connecting with you, taking care of you and attending to your needs—it gives me a sense of accomplishment and purpose. I love to build you up and make you feel better. I am an excellent gift giver because I know you so well. What I find challenging about being in Cancer is the emotionality. I can get caught up in the tides of emotion instead of moving forward, without delay, how I normally prefer. As long as I am able to move forward and be productive, I will not cause my Cancer Mercury native too many issues.

Mercury in Leo

In Leo, hear me roar. I am going to assert my will—perhaps not the loudest, but with the most authority and certainty. I know what I mean and I mean what I say, and if you’re going to challenge me, be ready. I am not necessarily a fighter—others know better. They sense my unwillingness to lower myself to that level. I don’t need many words to make my point and stance clear. And it is all about MY stance, at the end of the day. I’m not that interested in what you think; what matters to me is my point of view and the process I’ve gone through to arrive at my conclusions. I am not trying to be mean or dismissive—I simply do not need help or input to know how I feel about things. Even though I may lack a collaborative communication style, I am a warm and safe presence for those who appreciate my strength.

Mercury in Libra

I can chew on information forever. I think I want to get to a conclusion, but as soon as I arrive at one, I begin my process all over again. My main motivator is finding a connection or common ground with others, no matter how dissimilar they seem. I am not interested in conflict or asserting definitive opinions, because I can always see how one might arrive at a different conclusion. I enjoy words and conversation; I am interested in you, your story, and most of all, why you are the way you are. What makes you tick? I get annoyed when others confuse their opinions with fact and leave no room for alternative points of view. In Libra, I am friendly, pleasant and fun to be around. I have a lot of energy, so long as I am not hung up on getting every word perfectly right or protecting everyone’s imaginary feelings.

Mercury in Scorpio

Oh, to be a fly on a wall in my mind…you will never know the depth of my understanding and knowledge. When I speak, I do so with intention. I can be very strategic with what information I share and when, for my own protection. Trust you with my innermost experience? Ha. And give you a chance to use that against me? Don’t be silly. In fact, I already (secretly) think you’re an immature buffoon. And even though I am very intentional with what I share, I am much less discerning about with what I take in. You think I am not paying attention, but I see everything—intuitively and through my highly attuned powers of observation. I am highly intelligent and have a natural ability to absorb information on topics of my preference. But if you want to know what I know, you’ll just have to ask…and even then, I will consider my reply optional.

Mercury in Capricorn

Consider me in charge because I am going to tell you how it is. I don’t care about your credentials, because mine are better. I am sure about how I feel, what I want and how to get it. There’s no room for faltering or second guessing. In fact, if you don’t see it my way, I am not sure how much time I have for you because my POV is built on concrete. My ability to see it from your perspective is somewhat limited. I could school you, but I haven’t decided if you’re worth my time. We can be on the same page if you’re logical about things and take it one step at a time, to establish the strongest foundation. I can’t stand when people build their case on air and imaginary truths. Sensibility, people. Sens-i-bil-i-ty!

Mercury in Aquarius

I am moving at the speed of thought. I am a human information filtering system, sifting through data, gathering the most important bits, and storing them until applicable. Pattern-recognition is my super power and I can easily see how small details fit into the whole. I can see the micro and the macro. This sign is an easy fit for me, as it allows me to move fast and efficiently, and I feel expansive because of the sheer amount of data I can store. I love technology and innovation because it allows me to apply what I know in a way that’s truly groundbreaking. I can envision efficiencies and support systems with the information I’ve acquired to benefit all. Plus, who doesn’t love something new and better? My only challenge is connecting on a more personal, individual level. It annoys me to slow down, and it’s also harder for me to filter data because thoughts and feelings are just not compatible with my logical system of mental organization. I am into chaos theory, but less interested in the chaos of human inconsistencies.

You said above that one of your roles is delivering the sun’s message when in conjunction. Is this true of other planets, when you come into contact either natally or via transit?

Yes, I become the go-between; I talk to the planets and then bring those messages into the native’s awareness. I become a translator. This is more true of transiting planets. With natal placements, I communicate with that aspect of the native—so with the native directly—and bring to light what may need to be known at that time.

What about when you are configured to other planets natally? What is your role then?

I love exploring the different combinations of energies that can manifest from these configurations with other planets. In the case of a conjunction, we show up as one unified voice. With a sextile, we are like neighbors; [visually, there is some sort of taking turns that I am picking up—like Mercury will have a go, and then the other planet will take a turn being active]. In a square, I am constantly side-eyeing the other planet, not fully trusting that we’re trying to achieve the same ends. With a trine, I feel like I have an ally abroad—it’s harmonious. With an opposition, they’re almost so far away that it’s hard to get on common ground; they simply see things from a completely different angle.

What do you indicate about the native when you are in the first house?

When I am present in the first house, I have a more direct connection to the native. I speak on behalf of them and I indicate someone who is very talkative, communication oriented and/or analytical (more or less, depending on the sign in the first house). I love being in the first house because it feels at home and more direct, in terms of expressing on behalf of the native. If I am in a different house, I almost have to go through other avenues to get messages to the native or out on behalf of the native.

Are those avenues indicated by the house?

Yes, the house, the ruler of the house and the other planets present.

How do you show up when you are the chart ruler (aka the ruler of the 1st house)?

This is fun because I get to influence the native and their life path, similar to how I am when in the first house. Generally, these are natives who are curious, inquisitive, communicative, and connecting.


Astrology Demystified: Who, What, When, Why, and How in Under 30 Minutes